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Handbook of Operating Procedures
Chapter 2 - Faculty and Academics
Previous Publication Date: February 10, 2006
Publication Date: December 16, 2022
Policy Reviewed Date: November 15, 2023
Policy Owner: VP for Academic Affairs

2.07 Part-Time Appointment for Tenured Faculty


It is the policy of the University of Texas at San Antonio to provide an outstanding environment for faculty to accomplish their professional goals as they engage in meaningful work, forge new paths pursuing opportunities ranging from pedagogical instruction and mentoring to networking and leadership development.


The purpose of this policy is to establish the process and requirements for tenured faculty to request a modification of their full-time status to pursue other interests and goals consistent with this policy.


This policy applies to tenured faculty members, as defined in HOP 2.02.

This policy is not intended for phased retirement. For phased retirement, consult HOP 2.53.



  1. 世界杯官方app or UT System Policies or the Board of Regents’ Rules & Regulations
    1. HOP policy 2.02, Faculty Appointments and Titles
    2. UT System Board of Regents’ Rule 31001, Faculty Appointments and Titles
    3. UT System Board of Regents’ Rule 31007, Tenure
  2. Other Policies and Standards
    1. Texas Education Code, Section 51.943, Renewal of Faculty Employment Contracts


If you have any questions about HOP policy 2.07, Part-Time Appointment for Tenured Faculty, contact the following office:

Academic Affairs


  1.  Faculty Workload
    1. Each tenured, tenure-track, and fixed-term track faculty member employed by 世界杯官方app shall be assigned a faculty workload, which is constituted by the faculty member’s teaching, basic, applied and translational research, service, and professional development weighted duties and responsibilities.
  2. Tenure
    1. Tenure denotes a status of continuing appointment as a member of the faculty at 世界杯官方app.  Only members of the faculty with the academic titles of Professor or Associate Professor may be granted tenure. 
  3. Workload Distribution
    1. Distribution of effort between teaching, research, and service.


  1. Faculty
    1. Provide a written request to the Department Chair or School Director.
    2. Request must be made at least six (6) months prior to the term in which their status is to change. Under exceptional circumstances, this timeline can be adjusted. Exceptions will be reviewed and approved by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  2. Dean
    1. Review and decide whether to recommend to the Provost the modification based on the best interest of the college
  3. Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
    1. Final approver for the request


Part-time appointment consists of anything less than the existing full-time teaching, service and research requirements.

  1. Process to request a status change
    1. Requests for part-time status will be granted when the request will benefit the individual faculty member and also when it is in the best interest of 世界杯官方app.  Considerations in making the determination of whether to grant the request should include the financial implications to the institution as well as the programmatic implications.
    2. The faculty member must request to change their appointment status from full-time to part-time in writing to their department chair/school director.
    3. Requests must be made at least six (6) months prior to the term in which their status is to change. The faculty member should specify in their request the part-time workload they wish to adopt. Under exceptional circumstances, this timeline can be adjusted. Exceptions will be reviewed and approved by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.
    4. The department chair/school director will review the request and make a recommendation regarding the workload and performance expectations for the faculty member while serving in part-time status, which will then be sent to the dean.
    5. The dean will review and determine if the proposed change in status is in the best interest of the College. If they determine that it is, the dean shall forward the proposed workload to the Provost with a request for review and approval.
    6. If the proposed change in status is approved by the Provost, it will be finalized and submitted by the department chair/school director to the tenured faculty member. The approved change in status is applicable for one academic year and can be renewed.
    7. To request renewal, the faculty member starts the process again starting with A.2. Renewals for more than one additional year are granted only for exceptional circumstances.
  2. Privileges during Part-time Status
    1. Tenured faculty members will not lose their tenure status by taking a part-time workload, nor will they lose their standing in the university assembly, graduate council, or other university bodies.
    2. This policy in no way affects current university policy regarding sick leave, family leave, and other forms of approved leave.
  3. Compensation
    1. Faculty members will be compensated for their part-time status at a level proportionate to their full salary. For example, a faculty member who assumes a fifty (50) percent workload will receive half of his or her current salary.
  4. Employment Benefits
    1. If a faculty member appointment drops below one hundred (100) percent, benefits will be affected. A faculty member who is considering part-time status must contact People Excellence for further information.
    2. If a faculty member appointment drops below one hundred (100) percent, the university will only pay fifty (50) percent of the premium sharing for group insurance benefits.
    3. If a faculty member appointment drops below fifty (50) percent, they are not entitled to benefits at all, but may be eligible to purchase COBRA for health coverage for a limited time as provided by COBRA.
    4. If a faculty member appointment drops below fifty (50) percent, they can no longer contribute to either the Optional Retirement Program or the Teacher Retirement System (TRS). Retirement issues for TRS participants can be significant and the faculty member is solely responsible for obtaining and assessing the impact of the part-time status change.





