MarCom Studio


Flyers, Posters and Banners

Posting of flyers, banners and signs around campus can be an effective way to promote your event or initiative. But, be mindful of the various university policies governing their use and content.

Posting Policies

世界杯官方app’s Handbook of Operating Procedures outlines university policies regarding posting or displaying signage on university property and distribution of literature. The definition of signage includes billboards, decals, notices, placards, posters and any kind of hand-held sign. Visit HOP 9.09 University Posting of Materials and HOP 9.37 Peaceful Public Assembly for all the details.

世界杯官方app’s Student Organization Handbook outlines university policy regarding signs on stakes, sidewalk chalk and A-frames, as well as flyer posting guidelines and general posting locationsCheck out the university's approved banner locations.

Campus Rec also maintains a public posting display case.

Approvals for Posting

Student Activities oversees the approval process for adding flyers and banners to identified general posting locations. 世界杯官方app departments may post flyers on general posting boards without Student Activities approval.


Student Activities

Banner Production

University Marketing oversees the production and placement of pole banners and garage banners across 世界杯官方app’s campuses.


Brett Calvert
Executive Director of University Marketing